Huron County Newsletter #8

February 18, 2024

Huron County Newsletter

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Week of February 11th to 17th, 2024

Good day,

It’s been a busy a busy week at the Huron County News! We’ve got lots of news to share, and more great trivia questions at the bottom of the newsletter, brought to you by local historian and retired teacher David Yates. If you have a trivia question that you would like to see on the newsletter please share it will us. Emails can be sent to [email protected].

You’ll notice there are more stories from surrounding counties in this week’s newsletter. We’ve started to get more attention from these counties in the form of press releases and readership. We will maintain our initial goal of serving the people of Huron County but we feel it is helpful and important to pay attention to what is happening in the places around our County.

We still have some advertising spaces available on both the website and the newsletter. If you or someone you know would like to help support us, and also draw some attention to your business, please send us an email at [email protected].

Thank you for checking out the Huron County Newsletter, Happy Family Day to you from the Huron County News crew, and have a great week!

This week’s Huron County Newsletter is brought to you by:

Where your goals become results

The MacKay Centre for Seniors is conducting a Community Stakeholder Survey and your input would be appreciated!

Click the logo to start. It should take about 5 minutes to complete and is completely anonymous.

Central Huron Turns Down Offer to Share Economic Development Officer

by Bob Montgomery

Central Huron Mayor Jim Ginn says his municipality has declined an invitation from North Huron to share an Economic Development Officer.

Ginn explains Central Huron doesn't have the need for an Economic Developer at this time. “We do have a Community Improvement Coordinator that handles business attraction and retention and the attraction side…

Changing of the Guard at Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority

by Bob Montgomery

The current General Manager of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority says he'll be stepping away from that position effective Monday, February 12th.

Brian Horner says former Water Resources Coordinator Davin Heinbuck will be the new General Manager and Secretary-Treasurer, effective Monday. Marissa Vaughan is the Chair of the ABCA Board of Directors and says they're very pleased to announce their new General Manager and Secretary-Treasurer…

Left to right: Brian Horner (outgoing GM),  Davin Heinbuck (new GM),  Marissa Vaughan (Chair of the ABCA Board of Directors). Photo courtesy of ABCA

Members of the Huron Perth and Area Ontario Health Team are Preparing for Accreditation Visits in April

by Bob Montgomery

Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance CEO Andrew Williams says members of the Huron Perth and Area Ontario Health Team are getting ready for visits this April for their accreditation. They're being surveyed at the OHT level by multiple organizations across hospitals.

The Huron Perth and Area Ontario Health Team was part of the first group in Ontario to be approved by the province

Huron County Council Approved the Youth Strategy Presented by the Huron County Museum and Historic Gaol Recently

by Bob Montgomery

Huron County's Curator of Engagement and Dialogue presented the Huron County Museum and Historic Gaol's Youth Strategy at last week's county council meeting.

Sinead Cox says the Strategy gives them a chance to measure how they're currently doing as far as reaching young people across the county and then what they could do to reach more of those young people. Cox says many of their collections are donated from communities all over Huron County and it's not always possible for the young people in those communities to get to Goderich to see those artifacts

Huron Hospice is Hosting their Second Annual Benefit Hockey Game

by Bob Montgomery

Hospice Fund Development Manager Christopher Walker says this year's event will be the second since COVID shut down previous games.

The Pro Hockey Heroes Benefit Hockey Game will be held on March 16th at 7:30pm at the Eastlink Arena in Clinton. Walker says the game will feature an NHL Alumni Team against a fire fighters team lead by the Central Huron Fire Fighters

Pedestrian Walkway at the Bayfield River Flats Natural Area Just About Ready to go to Tender

by Bob Montgomery

The coordinator for the fundraising campaign for the new pedestrian walkway at the Bayfield River Flats Natural Area says they're just about ready to go to tender on the project.

Roger Lewington says their goal was to raise $52,000 and they are well over $50,000 now so they're ready to go to tender and hopefully start work on the project this spring. Lewington says the project involves completing a walkway that was part of the highway 21 bridge replacement

Huron County Invites Students and Youth to an In-Person Job Fair for Jobs with the County This Summer

by Bob Montgomery

Huron County is inviting students and youth to an in–person job fair for a variety of paid positions available at the County this summer.

Talent Acquisition Specialist Joel Paakkunainen says they typically look for post secondary students or students graduating from high school

Western Ontario Wardens Caucus Asks Province to Review Provincial-Municipal Fiscal Framework

by Bob Montgomery

The Western Ontario Wardens Caucus is joining the Association of Municipalities of Ontario in calling on the province to commit to reviewing the provincial-municipal fiscal framework as part of the upcoming provincial budget.

WOWC Executive Director Kate Burns Gallagher says the Western Wardens represent 117 municipalities in Western Ontario and AMO represents all of the 444 municipalities in the Ontario, with the exception of Toronto, so the provincial government does tend to listen to what they have to say. Burns Gallagher says what they're asking is that the province review the way they fund municipalities

Bayfield Community Centre nominated for Kraft Hockeyville

by Bob Montgomery

The Bayfield Community Centre is reaching out to village residents and users of the facility to support them in the Kraft Hockeyville competition.

Bayfield Arena Community Partners Association member Danielle Tarnawski says the arena is aging and in need of repairs

Click the image to visit the Bayfield Community Centre Community Rally Page

Huron County Council Brought up to Date on Space at the Museum

by Bob Montgomery

Huron County's Librarian and Director of Cultural Services brought county council up to date on some of the challenges they're facing with space at the museum at last week's council meeting.

Beth Rumble says as the museum collects more artifacts, space can become a challenge. “We're always doing work to relocate collections that aren't part of the museum or reorganizing our materials to open up space. But

North Huron Council Approves Budget

by Bob Montgomery

North Huron County approved their budget for the year at their last council meeting.

North Huron Reeve Paul Heffer says the increase for the municipality is 3.8% and they'll have to wait to see what the county and the board of education come up with before they have a final figure. Heffer says their budget increase was very high last year so he says maybe last year's increase helped them keep it lower this year

Avon Maitland District School Board Releases Results from their Parent/Caregiver Climate Survey

by Bob Montgomery

Between November and December of last year the Avon Maitland District School Board conducted a climate survey for all of the board’s parents and caregivers of AMDSB students. The goal was to better understand their experiences and their perceptions of the experiences of students.

Board Director Doctor Lisa Walsh explains every second year the Ministry requires them to conduct a Climate Survey. It started with monitoring bullying in the schools among students but over the years has been expanded to include parents, the community and staff and they look at a much wider climate in the schools. “We want to look at mental health and well being, we want to look at welcoming environment, we want to look at equity support, the sense of belonging that both families and students feel in our school.”

Doctor Walsh says they've just received the results from the staff climate survey and the parents and caregivers survey

See Bruce County History Come to Life on Family Day at the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre

by Bob Montgomery

Bruce County history will come to life this Family Day (Monday February 19th) at the Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre with interactive live theatre shows by award-winning theatre company Live History.

Guests will journey back through time as they travel through the museum’s exhibits, reaching five different checkpoints along the way. Each checkpoint will have its own local historical character in costume who

Human Trafficking Education Events Are Being Held in Bruce and Grey Counties Next Week

by Bob Montgomery

February 22 is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

Human trafficking is a serious issue that is affecting communities of all sizes throughout the country.

The Crime Prevention Action Table, operating under the umbrella of the Community Safety and Well Being Plan, is supporting two education events occurring in Grey and Bruce Counties next week. The Anti-Human Trafficking Committee, Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey, The Women’s Centre Grey Bruce, and Violence Prevention Grey Bruce are partnering to host community events to provide

Royal Homes Donates $150,000 to CT Scanner at Wingham & District Hospital

by Bob Montgomery

The Wingham & District Hospital Foundation has received another significant donation to its Caring Together campaign.

Foundation Executive Director Nicole Duquette says they were delighted to receive a donation of 150-thousand dollars for their campaign to bring a new CT Scanner to the Wingham & District Hospital from Royal Homes.

Owners Doug Kuyvenhoven, Klaas Jorritsma and Pieter Venema feel strongly that local businesses and individuals have a vital role to play in securing the future of local healthcare

Weekly Trivia Questions

What Huron County resident commanded rebel forces in the 1837 Upper Canadian Rebellion?

a) Captain Robert Dunlop

b) Colonel Anthony Van Egmond

c) Major Samuel Strickland

d) Captain John Longworth


Which Huron County community is known as the “Home of Radar”?

a) Exeter

b) Port Albert

c) Goderich

d) Clinton

Answers to last week’s questions:

Who established the first television station in Huron County?

  a)  ‘Doc’ Cruickshank

b)  James Scott Jr.

c) Ernie King

d) John Strong

The home of Dr. William ‘Tiger’ Dunlop is known as?

a) Collingwood

b) Luddleston

c) Goderich

  d) Gairbraid


Trivia questions courtesy of Huron County Historian David Yates

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