Huron County Newsletter #6

February 4, 2024

Huron County Newsletter

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Week of January 28th to February 3rd, 2024

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Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus Champions Housing, Mental Health and Workforce Development Initiatives at ROMA 2024

by Bob Montgomery

The Western Ontario Wardens’ Caucus continued to advocate strongly for three critical regional priorities during the Rural Ontario Municipal Association 2024 Conference.

Huron County Warden and WOWC Chair Glen McNeil says close to two thousand delegates from municipalities across the province attended the event in Toronto…

South Huron District High School's Eco Exeter Team was Presented with a Plaque at Council's Last Meeting

by Bob Montgomery

Grade twelve student Ryan Marsh is a senior member of the Eco Exeter team. He says the plaque recognized some of the work Eco Exeter has done over the past few years…

Huron County's Newcomer Support Association is Growing

by Bob Montgomery

A steering committee member of the Huron County Newcomer Support Association says they started out as an organization to help newcomers from Ukraine adapt to life in Huron County.

Halina Zaleski says while initially their goal was to help newcomers from Ukraine, they decided they had to expand and form the Newcomer Association when they realized people from Ukraine were not the only people who needed support…

Perth County Launches Next Phase of Public Engagement for the New Official Plan 

by Bob Montgomery

Perth County is taking an important next step toward a New Official Plan in 2024 with the launch of the Public Engagement process.

Planning Manager Andrea Hächler says it's been a number of years since Perth County's Official Plan was updated so it's time for a major overhaul

Huron Perth Public Health is Reviewing Student Immunization Records

by Bob Montgomery

Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH) has reviewed the immunization records of all students attending elementary or secondary school in Huron Perth. 

They found that more than 5,000 records, or 39%, are incomplete which means students are either missing immunizations required for school attendance or their immunizations have not been reported to public health

Enhancing Emergency Management in Rural Northern Ontario: Learning from COVID-19

by Bob Montgomery

Next Tuesday's virtual lecture presentation from the Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health will focus on enhancing emergency management in rural northern Ontario.

The guest speaker is Amanda Mongeon and she’ll be talking about some of the research she has being doing as part of her PhD at the University of Guelph in their Rural Studies program. She works in local public health in northern Ontario so her research is looking at how some of the rural and smaller communities in northern Ontario made it through COVID and what we can learn from their experience

McCann Redi-Mix Makes Large Donation to United Way Housing

by Bob Montgomery

McCann Redi-Mix President Jesse McCann says the company is celebrating its 70th anniversary so they're donating a total of 70-thousand dollars to a variety of charities to mark the occasion.

McCann says 25-thousand dollars of that is going to the United Way Housing Initiative

Weekly Trivia Questions

  1. What was the occupation of F. E. Madil, after whom the Secondary School was named?

    a) Member of Parliament for Huron North

    b) Prize Winning Author

    c) Canadian Landscape Artist

    d) Secondary School Principal

  2. Which book did the Trustees of the Huron Board of Education threaten to ban in 1978?

    a) The Catcher in the Rye

    b) Of Human Bondage

    c) The French Lieutenant's Woman

    d) Tess of the D'Ubervilles

Answers to last week’s questions:

  1. The 161st Huron Battalion served in what war? 

    Answer: c) World War One

  2. Exeter is 'home' to which animal?

    Answer: b) The White Squirrel

Trivia questions courtesy of Huron County Historian David Yates

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